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キャンディの最も尊敬すべきヴァジラブッディ テーラの説教に基づく ウェブサイトです。
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ほぼ 2600 年の古い歴史がある、(インド)マハーバーラタで生まれたゴータマ・ブッ ダからこの世界の人々に純粋な仏教が現在社会で色々な人々から自分がお金が目標 にして様々なお祈り、巡礼、唱えそして願いや希望などが変わって、本当の仏教が実 際に経験することである。本などが読んでもらって仏教が理解することが出来ないで す。キャンディのヴァジラブッディ テーラが自分から実際経験通して世界の人々に この純粋な仏教を回復することが出来ました。

1990年から野生の生活が一人でしながらゴータマ・ブッダの教え方は自分で厳し い苦しい勉強の後自身の経験がのみ識別できる最高の「二バナ」を経験するのに十分 出来ました。

世界の中で悲しく苦しみの原因は貪欲で、貪欲がなくなったら悲しいことがなくなり ます。悲しいことなくなる道は四つの高貴な真実です。仏の心の信者への道であり目、 耳、鼻、舌、身体、また心の外体に触れない非常にせんせいな宗教である。

キャンディのヴァジラブッディテーラ説教者が人種、カースト,信条宗教に関係なく すべての人間に対ようしています。

ブッダの教え方は人間ではなくすべての木と動物に共通にも優しさ、愛思いやりにも といたキャンディのヴァジラブッディテーラの中でもっとも表すことです。

2006 年にスリランカ放送協会(カンドゥラタサービス)の最初の公開講座であるキ ャンディのヴァジラブッディテーラの最も尊敬すべきヴァジラブッディテーロは、純 粋な仏教を求める知的なリスナーのために、社会的言説を作成することができました。

10 年間の後、キャンディのヴァジラブッディテーラはコロンボの 2016 マハウェリ センターで一般市民の目を開き、「政府には宗教を必要とする」というトピックに答 え、"ペティカダ"と言うシラサテレビのライブプログラムにに参加しました。

社会のさまざまな側面の人々の心に訴えるキャンディのヴァジラブッディ テーラ は、仏の教えに基づいて啓発された啓発された社会を創造するという高貴な仕事に従 事しています。

The journey of a great noble sage of our era

"A truly an inspirational and spiritual journey of a Great Noble Sage of our era Part-01."
(Please note the recorded Dhamma discussion below contains questions which were directly asked from The Great Noble Sage The Most Venerable Maha Arahant Mahanuwara Wajirabuddhi Thero. The Dhamma discussion is in the Sinhala Language and it was recorded with the Great Arahant's permission on the 06th of May, 2018.)

"A truly an inspirational and spiritual journey of a Great Noble Sage of our era Part-02."
(How to find and identify The Noble Teacher)"
(Please note the recorded Dhamma discussion below contains questions which were directly asked from The Great Noble Sage The Most Venerable Maha Arahant Mahanuwara Wajirabuddhi Thero. The Dhamma discussion is in the Sinhala Language and it was recorded on the 06th October 2018. In this recorded Dhamma discussion with the Noble Sage, he explains the vital importance of finding and identifying the correct Noble teachers, those who have gone forth in Noble Dhamma path in order for the guidance required for those who wish to progress in Dhamma path. The Noble Sage has also included his very own experiences in this discussion.)

"A truly an inspirational and spiritual journey of a Great Noble Sage of our era Part-03."
(Renunciation of lay attachments when progressing on the Noble Dhamma Path)"
(Please note the recorded Dhamma discussion below contains questions which were directly asked from The Great Noble Sage The Most Venerable Maha Arahant Mahanuwara Wajirabuddhi Thero. The Dhamma discussion is in the Sinhala Language and it was recorded on the 06th October 2018. In this recorded Dhamma discussion with the Noble Sage, here he explains how one who wishes to go forth and progress on the Noble Dhamma Path will renunciate his or her lay attachments with the mundane world through awareness. The Noble Sage has also included his very own experiences in these discussions.)

"A truly an inspirational and spiritual journey of a Great Noble Sage of our era Part-04."
(Experiences in facing the challenges of the rigid, isolated forest-dwelling Noble Dhamma Path of Practice as a young layman)."
(Please note the recorded Dhamma discussion below contains questions which were directly asked from The Great Noble Sage The Most Venerable Maha Arahant Mahanuwara Wajirabuddhi Thero. The Dhamma discussion is in the Sinhala Language and it was recorded on the 07th November 2018. In this recorded Dhamma discussion the Great Noble Sage, explains how he experienced the challenges of facing the hardships in acclimatizing himself into the rigid and isolated forest-dwelling noble path of practice, being a young layman who was living a far more comfortable and a luxurious lifestyle, all the while seeking the proper guidance required from the Noble teachers who had gone forth.)

"A truly an inspirational and spiritual journey of a Great Noble Sage of our era Part-05."
(Significant events, facing challenges that were to hinder his spiritual development progress and how he overcame them all.)

(Please note the recorded Dhamma discussion below contains questions which were directly asked from The Great Noble Sage The Most Venerable Maha Arahant Mahanuwara Wajirabuddhi Thero. The Dhamma discussion is in the Sinhala Language and it was recorded on the 07th November 2018. In this recorded Dhamma discussion the Great Noble Sage, explains certain significant events that occurred during his life as a layman in the forest-dwelling path of Practice whilst seeking guidance from Noble teachers who had gone forth. Also, the Noble Sage explains how he faced challenges that were to hinder his spiritual development progress on the Noble Dhamma path and how he overcame them.)